Prior to the start of the semester you need to make sure you have confirmed your course site(s) on Canvas, combined course sites if needed and set up your course site and content. To have a successful start, review the list below before you publish your Canvas course site(s).
Confirm all expected courses are available
If your course sites are not showing in your Canvas dashboard select Courses and then All Courses in your Canvas course navigation menu to view a complete list. If you still do not see your courses or all the information you expect, contact Missouri Online with the following information:
5-digit Course Number
Course SIS ID
Names of courses cross-listed with main course
A brief explanation of your concern
Customize your Canvas Dashboard
Favorite your current semester courses to your Canvas Dashboard and remove unneeded courses from your list.
Confirm TA and instructor enrollments
Access People in your Canvas course navigation menu to check that your TAs and any additional instructors have access to your course site. If you do not see them in your course please read this help guide.
Note: Instructors, TA's and Graders must pass the FERPA exam before they have access to the course in Canvas.
Do you need to combine course sites?
If you have more than one section of the same course, you can combine the courses for easier management using the Canvas Request System (CRS). Check these Course Combination Consideration questions if you are unsure if you want to combine your course sites.
Copy your content from a previous semester's course site
If you have taught your course previously and have content that you wish to reuse you may copy that content into the current semester's course site. Helpful knowledgebase articles include:
- Copying content from another Canvas site
- Requesting content from another instructor using the CRS
- How to export Canvas course sites yourself
- How to import course sites yourself
Manage your Canvas site settings and content
Use this Canvas Course Readiness Checklist to make sure your Canvas course site is updated.
Set up Zoom, if needed
- Set up Zoom meetings for your class meetings
- Set up Zoom meetings for your office hours
- Set up Zoom meetings to auto-copy to Panopto in your Canvas course site
Note: This is automatic for most users. Zoom recordings that have been copied to Panopto will be deleted after processing.
Review system policies
Review policies on remote learning, academic freedom, use of video, FERPA, copyright and intellectual property, and accommodations to make sure your course is in compliance.
Review Panopto settings, if needed
- Enable Panopto in your Canvas course site
- Recover any necessary videos that may have moved to the Panopto archive
Review your Canvas site with the Student View
Browse through your site using the Student View to ensure everything make sense from a student's perspective.
Modified on: Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 10:37 AM
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