Creating a Cirrus identity Canvas account

Step 1: Create an account

  1. Select Alternative Login on the Missouri Online login page (See, Fig. 1).Canvas login page listing Umsystem and alternative login optionsFigure 1:  Canvas alternative login
  2. Select to use an existing Google (gmail) or Microsoft (hotmail,,, etc.) account OR select Other Login to create a new account (See, Fig. 2). We can help if you have questions regarding which log in method to choose. You can also reach out to Missouri Online via email, phone or live chat.

    Login Method page, with Google, Microsoft, and Other Login options

    Figure 2: Login methods
  3. If you selected an existing Google (See, Fig. 3) or Microsoft account, you will choose your account and enter your existing login information.
    Sign in with Google menu, with ability to choose an account

    Figure 3: Google login method
  4. If you selected Other Login, on the next screen, select Create Account (See, Fig. 4).Other Login interface, with Create Account link highlighted
    Figure 4: Creating an account with an other login
  5. Enter your first name, last name and email, then select the blue Create button (See, Fig. 5). NOTE: Your email address is case sensitive. Remember what case you use in this step
    Account creation form, with blue Create button highlighted
    Figure 5: Entering your personal information

Step 2: Activate your account

After you have created your account you will see a message to check your email to complete the account activation process (See, Fig. 6).

Account activation success message

Figure 6:  Email confirmation

Note: Your new ID is in the email.

  1. Open the activation email (See, Fig. 7) If you do not see the New Account Activation Email in your inbox, be sure to check your Junk or Spam folders.Account creation verification email, with ID and activation link highlighted
    Figure 7: Activation email with user id and activation link
  2. Take note of your User ID.
  3. Select the activation link.
  4. Set your account password and select Activate Account (See Fig. 8).Password selection interface for Cirrus accounts
    Figure 8: Setting your account password
  5. Select Continue (See, Fig. 9).
    Account activation success message
    Figure 9: Activation success
  6. Now enter the user ID you were given and the password that you just created and select Login (See Fig. 10).Other Login interface
    Figure 10: Logging into your account

Step 3: Verify your account

  1. Please verify your account the first time that you log in. Enter your email address and select Submit (See, Fig. 11).Field to search by email for an existing Cirrus account, with submit button highlighted
    Figure 11: Verifying your account
  2. Check your email for the verification code and enter it in the box.
  3. Select Submit (See, Fig. 12).
    Email verification code entry, with submit button highlighted
    Figure 12: Entering the verification code

Modified on: Mon, May 20, 2024 at 12:49 PM

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