Understanding organization, development and noncredit Canvas sites

When requesting non-registrar Canvas sites, there are several things to consider. These involve usage, how students will get access to the sites, and how enrollments will be maintained over the course of a semester or several semesters. 

Types of Canvas sites (non-registrar)

Organization sites are used for a group of people needing to share content and/or communication. Typically, they may be used for communication to students in a department, communication between faculty in a department, or, in some cases, for projects involving individuals from outside the university.

Self-Enroll sites are a type of organization site that allow students to sign up for a site, rather that being added to it by others.

Development sites are used for Canvas course material development. These may be for use by a single instructor, a group of instructors working on a course, or in conjunction with Instructional Designers.

Noncredit courses are primarily used with Extension courses. MU Extension noncredit sites are requested through the MU Extension Cherwell Portal. They are not registrar courses. Noncredit courses can also be used for professional development sites or other sites with graded assessments.

Requesting the sites

Organization, development and noncredit sites are requested using the Canvas Request System. You must follow up with us with more information if you would like to have a Self-Enroll Canvas course.

Methods of adding the users

Manual: Canvas Request System (CRS)

Org DevNon (not Extension)

How to add the user to your Canvas site using the CRS

Manual: Canvas Org Dev

OrgDevNon (not Extension)

How to add the user to your Canvas site using Canvas

Self-Enroll: Canvas Catalog


Registering for a Canvas Catalog course with a provided URL
Note: You must provide the URL to your students.

MU Extension Cherwell Portal

Non (Extension)

Access the MU Extension Cherwell Portal to add users to MU Extension noncredit courses.

Large Upload: Campus Programmers


Email your campus programmer with user information and details.
Note: Unless the registrar approves an exception the users will be in their own individual sections and unable to see each other in the site (including discussion forums).
Note: If the programmer uploads the users you will not be able to remove them yourself; you will have to refer back to the programmer for modifications.

MU: Jeremy Wiebold
wieboldj@missouri.edu or musisenrollmentre1@missouri.edu 

UMSL: Caleb Evans

UMKC: Ling Li

MST: Sophia Kim

Managing the student list & removing users

Something to consider

Will the site be rolling over with continuing enrollment or will you start fresh every year?  There are benefits to starting fresh each year in that old enrollments are no longer an issue, current enrollments can be easily added to your site and content can be refreshed.

Adding new users and removing old enrollments

How do you plan to add additional users to your sites and/or remove those who have graduated or left?

Manual: Canvas Request System (CRS)

Org Dev Non (not Extension)

How to remove a user from your Canvas site using the CRS

Manual: Canvas

Org Dev Non (not Extension)

How to remove the user from your Canvas site using Canvas

Self-Enroll: Canvas Catalog


Students must remove themselves from self-enroll course sites following these instructions. If you need to remove all of the users from a self-enroll site we suggest you create a new site as there is no way to bulk remove users.

Large Upload: Campus Programmers


If a campus programmer has added your users the programmer will also have to do any removals. If you need a large upload you will need to refer back to the campus programmer.  If you need a complete removal of users we suggest that you request a new site to start new with a fresh upload.
Note: If you manually add the users to the site you will be able to remove them yourself.

Modified on: Wed, Jul 3, 2024 at 4:21 PM

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