Grading Panopto videos on percentage % viewed

Instructors can create assignments synced with Canvas and report a grade based on the percentage of a Panopto video that has been watched (See Fig. 1). You can learn how to use a Panopto video as a Canvas assignment.
option showing how the instructor would like to grade the assignment

Figure 1: Creating a % viewed Panopto video assignment

NOTE: Before using this grading option, please read the following notes carefully.

  • Do not create quizzes within the video when using this workflow as it could cause erroneous grades to be sent to Canvas. If you want to grade students on quizzes, choose the quiz option instead.
  • Consider not setting a due date. Grades are not sent to Canvas until three hours after the user has started watching the video. As such, there is a delay between the time a user completes watching the video and when grades are sent. The grade is sent regardless of whether or not the Viewer has finished watching the video. 
    • For example, if an assignment is due at 6pm and a Viewer starts watching the video at 4pm that Viewer's percent watched/grade will not be sent until 7pm and will be marked as Late.
  • Assignment attempts must be set to unlimited in case a Viewer wants to stop and finish watching a video at a later time. The Viewer will need to refresh the page and resume watching the video.
  • The reported percentage will always be the highest percentage of the video the student has watched, even if they rewind the video or watch it more than once and have a subsequent, partial viewing. 
  • The option to Watch in Panopto, represented by the pop-out arrow icon in the lower right corner of the video, will be greyed out and unavailable as we do not allow the Panopto Interactive Viewer to be launched in a new tab if the video is being graded as a quiz or based on a view and has a quiz in the video.

Modified on: Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 9:30 AM

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