Moving a Panopto folder out of My Folder and applying permissions

NOTE: When you move a subfolder from My Folder it retains the My Folder permission set. Once the subfolder is in a new location, you must adjust the permissions so that others may view the recordings. Permissions only need to be changed for folders moved out of My Folder.

  1. Select Panopto Video from your Canvas course navigation menu.
  2. Select the Open in Panopto icon to open Panopto in its own tab (See Fig. 1).Screenshot of the Panopto Video screen with red arrow pointing to Open in Panopto icon
    Figure 1: Open in Panopto icon in upper right corner of the screen
  3. Select the Settings icon to access Folder Settings (See Fig. 2).

    Figure 2: Settings icon in upper right corner
  4. Select Browse and locate My Folder (See Fig. 3).
    Red arrows pointing to Browse and My Folder
    Figure 3: Browse your folders
  5. Locate the subfolder you want to move. Select and drag it out of the previous folder and put it into the folder that has the name of your course (See Fig. 4).
    Arrow pointing to folder as it's dragged into another folder
    Figure 4: Dragging the content folder into the current course folder
  6. Select OK to move the folder (See Fig. 5)
    Red arrow pointing to OK button
    Figure 5: Confirmation dialog box
  7. Select Panopto Video in your Canvas navigation menu to refresh the page so you can now see the folder that was moved. Select the folder you moved (See Fig. 6).
    Arrows pointing to Panopto Video tab and folder within the view
    Figure 6: Panopto videos and folder content
  8. Select the Settings icon (See Fig. 7)Red arrow pointing to Settings icon
    Figure 7: Settings icon in Panopto
  9. Select Share (See Fig. 8).
  10. In Who can access this folder, select Change (See Fig. 8).
    Red arrows pointing to Share and Change
    Figure 8: Share tab in Panopto
  11. Select the option titled Inherit Permissions From (See Fig. 10). If this folder is already inheriting permissions from the current folder, you don't need to change anything.
  12. Select Save. The permissions are now changed, and anyone with access to the Canvas course can now see the recordings (See Fig. 10).

    Figure 10: Confirmation dialog box

Modified on: Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 9:10 AM

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