iClicker Syllabus Statement

Edit the highlighted text to customize this template, then copy and paste into your course syllabus. 

I will be using iClicker software this semester to conduct polls, quizzes and/or attendance in class. This will help me gauge student comprehension and understanding of particular topics throughout this course. 

You can use the iClicker Student app through a smartphone, tablet or laptop, and the particular question that I am asking you will be stored on your device (along with the answer). This is great for exam reviews, etc. 

Using this tool helps me to understand what you know about the course material, gives everyone a chance to participate in class and allows you to review the lecture topics and questions after class. I will also use iClicker to track attendance.

You are required to bring your smartphone, tablet or laptop device to participate in my iClicker sessions during class. It is also  your responsibility to properly set up your iClicker account in a timely fashion and to regularly check your iClicker grades for any discrepancies and bring them to my attention quickly.

Registration Instructions:

Regardless of which device you use in class (smartphone, tablet or laptop), you must create an iClicker account— or use your existing iClicker account if you already have one—to ensure that your grades sync to my iClicker grade book. You can do this by downloading the iClicker Student app via the App Store or Google Play, or by visiting iclicker.com. You do not need to purchase an iClicker subscription.

Students who fail to properly set up their iClicker accounts within the first two weeks of the semester will miss out on iClicker points. It is your responsibility to make sure your account is in working order and to regularly check your grades for any discrepancies and bring them to my attention immediately. If you already have a iClicker account, simply add my course to it. Do not create a duplicate account.

Grading Information

Class attendance/polls will be worth X% of your final grade. You will earn X points for each correct question you answer. Likely, X questions will be asked each lecture period. Your final grade will be calculated as (questions you respond to)/(total number of questions) x 100.  This percentage will be synced after every class/once a week/etc. from iClicker into Canvas once you properly set up your iClicker account, but you can also view your points on the iClicker website or iClicker Student app.

Academic Integrity Information
iClicker activities fall under the provisions of our campus's academic honesty policy. Students must not engage in academic dishonesty while participating in iClicker activities. This includes but is not limited to answering polling questions while not physically in class, looking at other students' devices while answering live questions, or using more than one iClicker account at a time.

Any student found to be in violation of these rules will lose iClicker points for the entire term and may be reported to the Office of Academic Integrity (https://oai.missouri.edu).

Need Help?
You can find the answers to many of your questions by visiting https://www.iclicker.com/students at any time. If you continue to experience issues, please contact iClicker support via phone (866 209-5698 ) or email (support@iclicker.com). Live support is available Monday – Thursday from 9 a.m. – 11 p.m. ET and Friday from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. ET.

Modified on: Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 1:06 PM

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