Scheduling Zoom Room classrooms

NoteThese instructions can only be used if you will be teaching in a designated Zoom Room.  A list of Zoom Rooms can be found here.

First, if you haven't already, you need to add Zoom to your Canvas course navigation menu.

  1. Log in to your Canvas course.
  2. On the navigation menu, select Settings.
  3. Drag the Zoom item to the top panel, and select Save.

Setting up a Zoom Room classroom meeting session

Setting up a Zoom Room meeting session will streamline the process of launching Zoom from your classroom.  You will see your meeting listed on the Zoom Room controller and will be able to select Start without entering your meeting ID.

  1. Select the Zoom button in your Canvas course menu (See Fig. 1).
    Zoom in the canvas navigation
    Figure 1: Zoom link in Canvas course navigation
  2. Select Schedule a New Meeting (See Fig. 2).
    red circle around the schedule a new meeting button 
    Figure 2: Scheduling a New Meeting in Zoom
  3. Enter the meeting topic, date, time and meeting duration (other parameters are optional). If you only allow your students to attend class in person and you do not want your students to be able to join this zoom meeting make sure you enable the waiting room so they cannot get in. You may also want to name the zoom meeting to indicate that they should not try to join (e.g. Demo Course 123: Zoom link for instructor use only).
  4. Select the correct Zoom Room from the drop down list (See Fig. 3).
    Drop down menu with a listing of zoom room locations
    Figure 3: Selecting a Zoom room location
  5. Select Schedule and Save (See Fig. 4).
    red circle aroudn the Save button
    Figure 4: Save the scheduled Zoom meeting
  6. Your students can now sign in to Canvas at the designated meeting time, select the Zoom link on your course navigation menu, and select the Join button for the upcoming meeting (See Fig. 5). If you have enabled the waiting room they will not be able to join unless you admit them.
    red circle around the Join button
    Figure 5: Select Join to enter the upcoming meeting.
  7. Zoom Room meetings can only be recorded to the cloud. If you record this Zoom meeting in the cloud, the recording will be automatically loaded into this course’s Panopto folder. You will not be able to record directly in Panopto. More details about using Zoom recordings in Panopto will be found here.
  8. In the Zoom Room classroom, your meeting will appear on the touch panel. 10 minutes prior to class time your meeting will be at the top of the list. Select the Start button to launch your meeting and then select Start once more (See Figs. 6 and 7).
    zoom meeting listed with a blue start button
    Figure 6: Starting your Zoom meeting
    Start and Dismiss buttons
    Figure 7: Starting your Zoom meeting

For support regarding Zoom Room classrooms, please email the classroom support team or call (573) 882-5000.

Modified on: Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 9:11 AM

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