Installing Zoom on Your Computer and Signing In

A Zoom client can be installed on your internet-capable device including desktops, laptops, tablets or smartphones. 

Note: If you are using a university computer, you will use Software Center to download the Zoom client. If you need assistance with Software Center, contact your campus IT department. 

  1. Using the device that you want to use with Zoom, go to
  2. Select the Download Client link on the top of the page.
  3. Select the Download button for Zoom Client for Meetings.
  4. Open the installation file that downloads to your computer.
  5. Follow the prompts to install the Zoom client.
  6. Open the Zoom software on your computer.
  7. Select the Sign In with SSO button (See Fig. 1).
    zoom sign in options with red arrow pointing to sign in with sso
    Figure 1: sign in with SSO
  8. In the Your Company domain field, enter umsystem and then select the Continue button (See Fig. 2).
    umsystem showing in the company domain text box
    Figure 2: umsystem company domain

  9. Enter your campus username and password and select the Login button.

  10. Enter your UM System email address and password to login (See Fig. 3). Multi-factor Authentication must be set up to continue.

    sign in box to enter your email addressFigure 3: Enter UM System credentials

Modified on: Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 9:35 AM

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