Understanding how Zoom recordings store in Panopto

To send your Zoom recordings automatically to Panopto, your Zoom, Canvas and Panopto email addresses should match. This automated process will not work if the email addresses are different.

NOTEMost Zoom cloud recordings are now automatically stored in Panopto and deleted from Zoom immediately upon processing.

Confirm matching Zoom and Canvas email addresses

Your preferred email address in Canvas and your Zoom email address must be the same for Zoom recordings to automatically store in Panopto. Follow the steps below to verify that they are the same or to update them.

  1. Go to umsystem.zoom.us and log in to Zoom with your username and password.
  2. Select Profile in the left navigation panel.
  3. Select Sign-in Email and then select the Show link (See Fig. 1).
  4. Make note of your Zoom email address.
    zoom profile settings
    Figure 1: Select Show to see your Zoom email address
  5. Now log into Canvas.
  6. Select the Account button in the global navigation window (See Fig. 2).
  7. Select the Settings link.
    Settings link in Canvas account options
    Figure 2: Canvas account
  8. Find your preferred Canvas email with the star next to it (See Fig. 3).
    Canvas email addresses
    Figure 3: Canvas email addresses
  9. If your preferred Canvas email:
    • Matches the Zoom email you noted earlier, this task is complete
    • Does not match the Zoom email:
      1. Select the +Email Address link.
      2. In the pop-up window, enter the email address that is in your Zoom account and select the Register Email button.
      3. Your new email address will appear in the list. Select the star icon next to it so the new email becomes your preferred Canvas email.

Locating your Zoom recordings in your Panopto account (default location)

Recordings from meetings will import into your Meeting Recordings folder in Panopto (See Fig. 4). 

Panopto folder listing
Figure 4: Panopto Meeting Recordings folder

Changing the default location of your Zoom recordings in Panopto

You may also select an alternative folder in Panopto. Follow these instructions.

  1. Log into your Canvas course site.
  2. Select Panopto Videos in your course navigation menu.
  3. Select the square icon at the upper right-hand corner of the page to open the Panopto full interface (See Fig. 5).
    red sqaure around opening panopto icon
    Figure 5: Open the Panopto full interface
  4. Select the arrow next to your name in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
  5. Select User Settings (See Fig. 6).
    User settings
    Figure 6: Panopto User Settings
  6. Under Zoom Recording Import Settings, select Edit to change the folder (See Fig. 7). 
  7. If you have upcoming meetings, you may also enter your meeting ID and choose a specific folder for your recording.
    red box around the edit link and the chosen folder
    Figure 7: Edit the default folder and add an existing meeting

How to opt out of the Zoom to Panopto integration

  1. Log into Panopto and select on the top right drop down next to your name (See Fig. 8).
  2. Select User Settings (See Fig. 8).
    User settings link
    Figure 8: User settings in Panopto
  3. Uncheck the box next to umsystem.zoom (See Fig. 9).
    red circle around the check box for umsystem.zoom
    Figure 9: Uncheck the box next to umsystem.zoom
  4. Select Update.

Modified on: Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 2:28 PM

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