Accessing courses from past semesters in Canvas

Note: This does NOT apply to courses prior to Fall 2021. 
In Canvas, your Canvas Dashboard and Courses list will only display courses for the current or a future term. You can see all courses in which you are enrolled as either a Teacher or Student by selecting All Courses in the Courses link in the left-hand side menu (See Figure 1).

List of all courses, the the All courses link highlightedFigure 1:  All Courses link in Canvas course navigation

To add a past course to your Canvas Dashboard, select the Star icon next to the course name while in the All Courses view (See Figure 2).Image showing a highlighted star, labeled with the text click to remove from the courses menu, and an unhighlighted star with the text click to add to the courses menu
Figure 2: All courses list

Note: Keep in mind that if you use this method to add items to your Dashboard, only the starred items will appear.


Modified on: Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 10:31 AM

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