Submitting a Turnitin assignment in Canvas

There are two types of Turnitin assignments in Canvas: Plagiarism Review and Feedback Studio. See the following for instructions on how to submit each type of assignment. Note: If you are submitting a .pdf it must not be an image pdf. Turnitin will not be able to parse the words. It must be an ocr pdf. If you are unsure, make sure you submit a word doc.

Plagiarism Review 

  1. Access the assignment in Canvas by selecting the assignment name. Depending on how your instructor has built the course, you may need to select the Assignments link in the left-hand course navigation menu or locate the appropriate assignment within the modules of the course.
  2. Select the Choose a file to upload link or drag and drop a file to upload a file from your computer.
    Screenshot of Turnitin showing box where a file can be dragged and dropped or use a link to upload the fileFigure 1: Upload a file to the Turnitin assignment
  3. Select the Submit Assignment button (See Figure 2).
    submit assingment buttonFigure 2: Submit assignment
  4. You will see confirmation that the upload was successful (See Figure 3).
    confimration page of Turnitin including timestamp for the uploadFigure 3: Submission confirmation

Feedback Studio

  1. Access the assignment in Canvas by selecting the assignment name. 
  2. Select Upload Submission (See Figure 4).
    click Upload Submission button

    Figure. 4: Upload Turnitin Submission

  3. A box will appear so you can select your file (See Figure 5). Once you have selected the file, you will have the option to preview it. Previewing it will ensure you have selected the correct file.       screenshot of submit file page. Click Browse button to search and select a saved fileFigure 5: Select a file to upload
  4.  Select Upload and Review (See Figure 6a) and then select Submit to Turnitin (See Figure 6b).upload and review buttonFigure 6a: Upload and Review
    Submit to Turnitin buttonFigure 6b: Submit to Turnitin
  5. You will receive a confirmation that the upload was successful (See Figure 7).        
    Fig. 4, Submission confirmation

    Figure 7: Submission confirmation    
  6. Go to the Assignment Dashboard in Turnitin to confirm the paper is there. You can preview the submission again by selecting the paper title (See Figure 8). 
    Fig. 5, Assignment Dashboard

    Figure 8: Assignment Dashboard    

Modified on: Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 10:17 AM

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