Access and Download a Turnitin Rubric

    1. Log in to your Canvas course site.
    2. Select the appropriate assignment. The title of the submission will appear along with details from Turnitin, including the time stamp for the upload, grade, Similarity Score and options to download or upload files (See Figure 1).


      screenshot of TII assignment with rubric 

       Figure 1:  Turnitin assignment with a rubric

    3. Select the Similarity Score. This launches the Feedback Studio where feedback and plagiarism information may be viewed.
      screenshot indicating where the similarity score is located
      Figure 2: Select the similarity score
    4. Select the blue speech bubble located on the right-hand side of the page (See Figure 3).
      A red arrow points to the speech bubble.
      Figure 3: Select the blue speech bubble in the icon list
    5. Select View Rubric from the menu that appears. This allows you to view the scored rubric (See Figure 4).
      click View Rubric
      Figure 4: View rubric button in TurnItIn
    6. Select the download icon to download a copy for your records (See Figure 5).
      screenshot of menu highlighting the download icon, an arrow pointing down at a line
      Figure 5:  Download icon in TurnItIn
    7. Select Current View from the pop-up menu to download the paper, Similarity Score Report and scored rubric as one file (See Figure 6).
      click Current View item
      Figure 6: Download the current view in TurnItIn

Modified on: Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 3:54 PM

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