Creating a Google Assignment

A UM System G Suite account is required. All UM System faculty, staff and students can create an account.

  1. Go to and select Sign in in the page’s upper right-hand corner.
  2. Enter your login in the format Select Next.
  3. Accept terms.

After you've created your account, add your assignment files to Google Drive before following the steps below.

To create a Google Assignment in your Canvas site:

  1. From your Canvas site, select Assignments in your course navigation menu.
  2. Enter a name, description and point value.
  3. In the Submission Type section, select External Tool from the dropdown menu (See Fig. 1).
    choose External Tool
    Figure 1: Select the External Tool option.
  4. Select Find (see Fig. 2).
    click Find button
    Figure 2: Select the Find button.
  5. In the Configure External Tool pop-up window, scroll down the list and locate the Google Assignments tool (See Fig. 3). Select it.
    click Google Assignments option
    Figure 3: Locate the Google Assignments tool in the list.
  6. A pop-up window will appear. Login to your Google Drive account, or confirm that the account you are currently logged into is correct. Select Continue .
  7. The pop-up window will switch to the Create a Google assignment page (See Fig. 4).
    • Choose whether you want to use the plagiarism (originality) tool.
    • Attach files from your Google Drive that you want to use with the assignment.
    • Enter the same point value that you did in the Canvas page. 
    • If you will enter a due date in the Canvas page, enter the same date here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
    • Choose whether you want to use a rubric. If so, select a Rubric or create a new one. Otherwise, skip this step.
      Google assignment rubric options page
      Figure 4: Google Assignments set up.
  8. Select Create . You'll return to the Configure External Tool pop-up window.
  9. Select Select . The pop-up window closes, and you will return to the Canvas Assignment page.
  10. Continuing entering the information on the Canvas page. If you entered a due date on the Google Assignment pop-up window, enter the same date here. 
  11. Select Save & Publish or Save .

Modified on: Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 11:26 AM

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