Adding the VitalSource Materials Tab to Canvas Course Navigation

For MU, UMSL, and MS&T, VitalSource Bookshelf is accessed via the course navigation menu in Canvas. The menu item is labeled VS Materials. UMKC and the MU ExecMBA and BA/PDP Bookshelf accounts are deployed as links within a module. 

This link will display all of a user's courses with any VitalSource books they may be using, along with cards displaying other AutoAccess materials for other courses. Students will see opt-out buttons on these during the opt-out period. The VS Materials link will also give students access to their campus's textbook catalog. Because of the opt-out function, it should be deployed in any class using AutoAccess texts or course materials to help comply with Federal regulations. 

Contact if you have questions about the changes.

  1. If the VS Materials link does not appear in your course's Navigation, select Settings.
  2. Select the Navigation tab.
  3. Locate VS Materials in the lower portion of the Navigation tab and drag it to the desired location in the upper portion (See Fig. 1).
    Click here & drag up to desired location.
    Figure 1: changing course navigation menu
  4. Select Save.
  5. The first time you access a textbook in VitalSource, you will need to accept the Terms and Privacy agreement and will be asked to log in to VitalSource or register with your email address and create a password. Normally your email address should be your campus account, though it is not required. The password should not be the same one you use to log in to campus systems. This is required only for instructors. 


  • If you wish to move VS Materials within Course Navigation, repeat steps 1–3 and drag the tab to the desired place in the menu, then click Save.
  • To remove this tab from your course, in step 3, just drag VS Materials to the lower portion of Course Navigation, then select Save.
  • Use the Student View to test the link for students.
  • If students report problems using their VitalSource text on their phone or tablet, suggest they download the VitalSource Bookshelf app.
  • If you wish to create a link to VS Materials in a module, you may add it as an External Tool item. In the External Tool menu, choose VS Materials and also to Open in a New Tab. Please contact if you have questions or wish to further modify the link in a module.

Note: MU Trulaske College of Business instructors may see three VitalSource Bookshelf tools in the External Tools Menu: Bookshelf, BA/PDP Bookshelf, ExecMBA Bookshelf. Only courses in the ExecMBA program should select the ExecMBA Bookshelf tool. Only PDP sites should use the BA/PDP Bookshelf tool. All others should use the generic Bookshelf tool.

If you encounter technical difficulties, please contact

Modified on: Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 10:51 AM

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