Creating Canvas Groups

The Groups tool allows an instructor to create groups of students in Canvas, allowing for group discussions, group assignments, and grading filters. Groups let students work independently of class time and in their own area of the Canvas site. Group members can create pages, announcements, discussions and more. Instructors have access to all Canvas groups. Instructors may also import their Canvas groups into Zoom breakout rooms.

Create a group set

Before you create groups you first need to create a Group Set. Your class can have multiple group sets but you have to have at least one.
Note: Self Sign-Up is not recommended for Group Sets that will be used for assignments, as a student could switch groups in the middle of an assignment.

Note: If the intent is for groups to change throughout the course of the semester, our recommendation is to create new group sets for each assignment.

Creating groups

How do I automatically create groups in a group set?

How do I manually create groups in a group set?

How do I create self sign-up groups in a group set?

How do I allow students to create their own student groups?

Adding students to groups

How do I automatically assign students to groups?

How do I manually assign students to groups?

How do I assign a student leader to a group?

Modified on: Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 1:15 PM

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