How to submit a Panopto video assignment in Canvas

This article goes over how to create recordings with Panopto and submit them as assignments in Canvas. If you need to see documentation on how to create videos in Panopto, please see this documentation for Windows and Mac.

  1. Upload your Panopto Recording to Canvas
  2. Navigate to your course in Canvas and then to the Assignments tab on the left. 
  3. Select the assignment that you need to submit (See, Fig. 1).
    red boxes around assignments in the canvas navigation menu and the canvas assignmentFigure 1: Accessing your assignment in Canvas
  4. In the submission page, select the Panopto icon (See, Fig. 2).
    Figure 2: Accessing the Panopto icon
  5. This will open a window with your Panopto recordings. Navigate to the folder in which your video was recorded, which will be either your personal folder or the course assignment folder, depending on how your instructor has this set up (See, Fig. 3).
    listing of panopto foldersFigure 3: Open the folder that contains your video
  6. Locate and select your video (See, Fig. 4).listing of a panopto video
    Figure 4: Selecting your video
  7. Then choose Insert in the bottom right (See, Fig. 5). red box around the insert button
    Figure 5: Inserting your Panopto video into the assignment
  8. Submit your assignment.
  9. Once the assignment has been submitted, you will receive a message at the top of the screen saying that it has been successfully submitted. Your teacher will now be able to watch your Panopto recording.

Modified on: Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 10:40 AM

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