Getting started with your Zoom protected account


Most students will use the instructions for Getting started in Zoom. If you will be using a Zoom protected account, follow the instructions below. 

Logging in to Zoom

  1. Go to and log in using your campus username and password.
  2. Edit your Zoom account profile as desired.
    • Upload a professional profile picture. Participants in your meetings will see your picture if video is not enabled.
    • Personal Meeting ID: You may leave this as default or you may change it. We recommend using your university phone number, as it’s easier to remember.
    • Personal Link: You can create a custom link that can be shared with your meeting participants at any time.

Install Zoom on your desktop or laptop

  1. Download and install the Zoom client on your desktop or laptop:
  2. Log in using the SSO sign in option.
  3. Enter umsystemprotected as the domain.
  4. Enter your username and password to log in.
  5. Select the Start with video button (See Figure 1).

Note: If you are a heavy user of Microsoft Outlook, you might also consider installing the Outlook plug-in linked on the download page.
circle around start with video buttonFigure 1: Start with video

Explore audio & video features in Zoom

When you launch Zoom, you should see a pop-up box that allows you to configure your audio settings.

You can choose the microphone on your device or you can call in using your phone (See Figure 2).
joining your zoom audio optionsFigure 2: Join audio with phone or computer audio

To use your computer audio, select the Test Computer Mic & Speakers button to make sure everything is working. You’ll see a toolbar on the bottom left with various audio and video options (See Figure 3).
audio and video options with number labelsFigure 3: Audio and Video options

Label 1: Mute or unmute your microphone. You can also see this icon bouncing when you talk to indicate that your microphone is working.

Label 2: Select the up arrow to adjust audio settings, microphone selection or audio volume.

Label 3: Start or stop your Video broadcast.

Label 4: Select the up arrow to select a different camera or adjust video settings. You can change from widescreen or standard format.

Explore the other toolbar options

zoom toolbar with number labelsFigure 4: Zoom toolbar options

Label 1: Invite button—Students should already have access to the Zoom meeting if they join through the Zoom module, otherwise you can manually invite external people with the Invite button.

Label 2: Manage Participants button—You can Mute All participants. This will then prompt you with a new window asking if you want to allow participants to unmute themselves.

Label 3: Polling button—Enables polling options, allowing you to take a poll of your class with preloaded questions.

Label 4: Share Screen button—you have several options for sharing content:

  • Share a specific screen on your computer
  • Share a whiteboard
  • Share your Phone or iPad screen
  • Share a specific application on your computer
  • Select the arrow next to Share Screen to change sharing permissions

Label 5: Chat button—With the chat window, you can choose to talk to everyone or specific individuals by selecting the drop-down menu. You can save chats by selecting the More button.

Label 6: The Record button gives you two options.

  • Record to the cloud. This option uploads the recorded meeting to the Zoom cloud. It will automatically delete from the Zoom cloud after 120 days.
  • Record to this computer. This option will save the meeting recording to your local computer. When the meeting ends, the download will start automatically and will bring you to the new recording file location.

Label 7: Closed Caption—this allows a professional transcriptionist to provide captions during a live meeting.

Label 8: Breakout Rooms give you the option to automatically or manually create smaller groups. You have the choice of how many rooms to create, and if you choose automatically, then the participants will be divided evenly. In the breakout room menu, you can jump between the different breakout rooms.

Schedule a meeting

  1. Select the Schedule icon. 
  2. A Schedule a Meeting window will appear. This window contains meeting options. The meeting options define the meeting details, including:
    • Enter a topic or title for the meeting. 
    • Set the date and time of the meeting. Leaders can also make the meeting recurring (use the same meeting several times). 
    • The tools that are available when the meeting begins:
      • Video when joining a meeting—This option determines if the webcam (video) will be active immediately. The leader may turn off the webcam at any time. 
      • Audio Options—The meeting leader may engage only a telephone bridge, only VOIP (voice over IP), or both options for the meeting. This setting should default to our recommendation, which is the Both option. 
      • Meeting Options—Select to apply a password, allow meeting attendees to join the meeting before the host (leader), or choose to engage the Personal Meeting ID for this meeting.
      • Calendar—The meeting leader may choose to engage a specific calendar for this meeting. If the Other option is selected, the meeting invitation will automatically appear on the screen after selecting Schedule.
    • Keep in mind that the creator of the meeting is automatically the meeting leader. The leader may choose to:
      • Allow meeting participants to join the meeting before the leader.
      • Allow meeting participants to access Audio and Video (webcam) immediately upon entering the meeting environment.
  3. To set the meeting, select the Schedule button.

Invite participants to a meeting

After scheduling a meeting, a meeting invitation is created that includes a link to the meeting and the meeting ID. Meeting leaders may choose to share this information with meeting participants in a variety of ways, including:

  • Copy the full meeting invitation and paste it into a new email.
  • Copy the invitation and paste it into a new announcement in the learning management system.

Starting a meeting with the Zoom desktop application

Follow the steps below to start your Zoom meeting via the Zoom desktop application and engage your Zoom account. Please note that the meeting leader may select the Start icon to begin the meeting at any time in case you need to start the meeting early. 

  1. Open the desktop application and log in (choose the SSO option). 
  2. Select the Meetings icon at the bottom of the Zoom application window (See Figure 5).
    zoom meetings iconFigure 5: Zoom Meetings icon
  3. If necessary, select the Upcoming tab and move the mouse over the meeting you want to start (See Figure 6).
    zoom upcoming meetings listFigure 6: Upcoming meetings in Zoom
  4. Select the Start button.

Additional information for scheduling a meeting

To start a meeting early, select the Start button on the Upcoming tab.

To make a change to an existing meeting, such as changing the date or time, navigate to the Upcoming tab and select the Edit button for that meeting.

Modified on: Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 12:46 PM

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