Notices and Alerts

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VoiceThread update - May 12th, 2023

On May 12, 2023, Missouri Online will be upgrading the connection between VoiceThread and Canvas.

This change will not remove or alter your existing content within VoiceThread.

  • If you are done with VoiceThread for SP2023 - do not configure VoiceThread links in your Summer/Fall courses before May 13. 
    VoiceThread links will break after the connection upgrade.  To avoid rework, configure your VoiceThread links in your future courses after the upgrade is complete. 

Email us if you:

  • are continuing to grade VoiceThread Assignments after May 12
  • have any in-progress incompletes using VoiceThread
  • have any active course site running past May 12.
  • have any questions or concerns

There are two major benefits to upgrading the connection;

  • Content & Assignment Copies: You will no longer have to recreate your VoiceThread links when copying course content from one Canvas site to another. VoiceThreads, including those in assignments, are copied over without any student content while instructor content is retained.
  • Roster sync: Students will automatically show up in your course membership and assignment grader. Students will no longer need to click on a  VoiceThread link in your course to activate their membership in your  course.

There are a few differences in both look and feel and process. Be on the lookout for new documentation on Teaching Tools for information on these fairly minor changes. 

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