Setting up VitalSource Bookshelf App on Windows or Mac

  1. In Canvas, go to your course.
  2. Select a VitalSource textbook link in Modules.
  3. Select Load in New Window. This will open a new tab.
  4. Accept the Terms and Privacy policy.
  5. Select the Settings (gear) Icon at the bottom of the black navigation bar on the left (See Fig. 1). If this does not appear, you may need to select the orange Accept & Close button at the very bottom of the window to clear the Cookie Policy warning.
    Settings icon and Read offline with the Bookshelf Desktop App button
    Figure 1: Gear icon for settings
  6. Select Read offline with the Bookshelf Desktop App
  7. Select Open VitalSource (See Fig. 2).Open VitalSource dialog box
    Figure 2: Open the VitalSource Bookshelf app
  8. The VitalSource Bookshelf App will open on your machine. You may see a brief login prompt, but you should either be passed straight through into the app or be prompted to download the book.
  9. Select Account > MyAccount. This will open a new browser window.
  10. Select complete your account (See Fig. 3).Image from VitalSource pages with "complete your account" link.
    Figure 3: complete your account
  11. Enter the Mizzou email that you use with Canvas.
  12. You will be prompted to enter your name, a password (which should be different from your university password) and security question. After you finish that, you have full access to the app. You may go back to Canvas, select your other textbooks, and add them to the reader (repeating steps 2, 3, 6, and 7 above for each).


Modified on: Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 11:11 AM

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